Baronial Newsletter
The Gryphon's Tale is the monthly newsletter for the Barony of the Flaming Gryphon. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. Check out the latest issue!
Subscriptions are currently not available. If you would like to make a donation to the Chronicler’s office you will receive a courtesy copy of the Gryphon’s Tale for every dollar donated. The Tale will continue to be offered online for free (see below).
Submissions of educational or entertaining articles, original artwork, photos, news, local event flyers, calendar updates, officer letters, class handouts and “How To” guides for subjects pertaining to our SCA lives are always welcome. Please observe the following guidelines:
- Deadlines: All submissions are due the 20th of the month prior to the month of the issue in which your submission is to be published. (e.g. submissions for the March issue are due February 20th). All submissions MUST be accompanied by a Permission to Publish form.
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
-- Douglas Adams
- E-mail: All electronic submissions should be sent via e-mail to the Chronicler. MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Publisher are preferred forms for text. (See below for artwork.) Please contact the Chronicler concerning formats not listed.
- Disk: We accept files on Compact Disc. See above for file formats. If you send a submission on CD, please include a hard copy (printout) in case your disk is damaged.
- Typed: The Gryphon's Tale cheerfully welcomes submissions from those who do not require a computer to re-create the Middle Ages. We do ask, however, that such submissions be clearly typed on white paper.
- Artwork: Cover artwork submissions should ideally be in full color and measure 5 ½” wide x 8 ½” tall, and should not include the masthead. Contact the Chronicler with questions about artwork not fitting these dimension requirements. Black and white artwork submissions should be drawn in dark black ink on white stock, and should not be photocopied. I can scan paper 8½" by 11½" and smaller. Some electronic formats are also acceptable: gif, tiff, jpeg, bmp, and a few others. Contact the Chronicler directly for details.
Current and Past Issues
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2024
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2023
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2022
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2021
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2020
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2018
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2017
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2016
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2013
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2012
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2011
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2010
No issues were published for the months of August or September of 2010.
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2009
No issues were published for the months of July, August or October of 2009.
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2008
No issues were published for the months of April or August 2008.
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2007
No issues were published for the months of June, July or August 2007.
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2006
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2005
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2004
No issues were published for the months of June and September 2004.
The Gryphon's Tale -- 2003