Past Champions

Listed beloware the past champions of the Barony of the Flaming Gryphon. You can also see our current champions.

Baronial Armored Champions

  1. Osmundus Thorkelsson
  2. Christophe van der Ross
  3. Richard Ironforger
  4. Arkaydian Blackstar
  5. Myles Blackheath
  6. Berach de Winterbourne
  7. Michael Arthur of Kerry
  8. Berach de Winterbourne
  9. Osmundus Thorkelsson
  10. Alexander Blackstar
  11. Damian Vilkmir Litvonov
  12. Lancelin Peregrinus
  13. Bryne ap Llewellyn
  14. Nicholas of Wixlow
  15. Gérard Montjoie de la Fontaine IV
  16. Mattew Widdershins
  17. Emrys Eustace
  18. Arthen ap Rhodri
  19. John the Cook
  20. Arthur Bear
  21. Sebastian of Grenada
  22. Conor mac Lellan
  23. Dafydd Blaidd
  24. Rusaad Azeem Muhammad
  25. Cadagan Blaydes
  26. Timothy the Just
  27. Joshua Frost
  28. Ingold of Flaming Gryphon
  29. Boris Movila
  30. Christiana de Burgh
  31. Sven of Havenholde
  32. Leif Viggaskald
  33. Gilchryst MacPherson
  34. Machonna of Dark River
  35. Edward Foxley
  36. Atsur Heikan
  37. Aldis Sigurðardóttir
  38. Wulfric Gunnarsson
  39. Astrid Feilans
  40. Hrafn Ivarr
  41. Colin O'Flannery
  42. Auðin Hrafnsson
  43. Einarr Ginnfastsson
  44. Magnus Refsson
  45. Friedrich Wolferam von Danzig

Baronial Archery Champions

  1. Lann Lerben O'Cambion
  2. Anluan Bryan Mathgamhain MacMurrough
  3. Werner Einseidler aus dem Schwarzwald
  4. Mattew Widdershins
  5. Dorinda Aethelwynn
  6. Gildor Cuthalion
  7. James Cunningham
  8. Gildor Cuthalion
  9. James Cunningham
  10. Alan of Caerlaverock
  11. Berengar LeClerc
  12. Dorinda Aethelwyn
  13. Joshua Frost
  14. Caedmon Wilson
  15. Angus Mac Gregor and Elspeth Mac Gregor
  16. Erin of the Unicorn and Erik Erikson the Scout
  17. Angus Mac Gregor and Caedmon Wilson
  18. James Cunningham and Elspeth MacGregor
  19. Faelan mac Neill and Joshua Frost
  20. Angus MacGregor the Fletcher and Elspeth Morganna MacGregor
  21. Richard le Fournier (longbow), Joshua Frost (crossbow)
  22. Bertrande Fresneau (longbow), Elspeth Morganna MacGregor (crossbow), Alexander Edouardson (youth)
  23. Appolonia von Wurttemberg (longbow), Soffya von Kulp (crossbow), Richard of Norwich (youth)
  24. Bertrande Fresneau (longbow), Boris Movila (crossbow)
  25. Richard of Norwich (longbow), Joshua Frost (crossbow), Nico Edouardson (youth)
  26. Arthur Bear (longbow), Albertus von Feuchtwangen (crossbow), Elisabeth Beauvisage (youth)
  27. Bertrande Fresneau (longbow), Soffya von Kulp (crossbow), Elisabeth Beauvisage (youth)
  28. Galin Ridleye (longbow), Soffya von Kulp (crossbow), Mathais de Bear (youth)
  29. Einarr Ginnfastsson (longbow), Eustace Kilpin (crossbow), Mathais de Bear (youth)
  30. Miura Makoto (longbow), Richard le Fournier (crossbow), Godfried Timson (youth)
  31. Kathy of Flaming Gryphon (longbow), Richard le Fournier (crossbow), Ellisif Auðinardottir (youth)
  32. Einarr Ginnfastsson (longbow), Joshua Frost (crossbow), Thomas Minniear (youth)
  33. Sabine de Creuequoer (longbow), Joshua Frost (crossbow), Matthew of Wolfhou (youth)
  34. Sabine de Creuequoer (longbow), Joshua Frost (crossbow), Ellisif Auðinardottir (youth)
  35. Bertrande Fresneau (longbow), Taliesin of Archenfield (crossbow)

Baronial Artisans

  1. Wolfgang von Roessler
  2. Cecil the Silent
  3. Drea di' Pellegrini
  4. Juliana the Meeke
  5. Mary Garrett of Seasalter
  6. Oriana Sarsfield
  7. Gregor Burcardus
  8. Eóin Drake
  9. Nonna the Midwife
  10. Fiadnata ó Gleann Àlainn
  11. Edlyn of Meadowburne
  12. Grizel
  13. Timothy the Just
  14. i Scandali (comedia troupe)
  15. Joshua Frost
  16. Amari Qira bat Abraham and Elisabeth Beauvisage (youth)
  17. Elizabeta Foscari and Marie ferch Kirkcaldy (youth)
  18. Arthur Bear and Victoria of High Harrogate (youth)
  19. Cathryn of Chester and Ben Timsson (youth)
  20. Isra al-Zarq and Helena (youth)
  21. Orianna Morgan of Ely and Alex Timson (youth)
  22. Auðin Hrafnsson and Isaac Duneyrrson (youth)
  23. Aminah al yazici bint Ismail and Ben Timsson (youth)
  24. Genevieve de Mirabel
  25. Sarah Ketilswif
  26. Marjorie de Ffeyrefeld and Ellisif Auðinardóttir (youth)
  27. Osmundus Thorkellson and Molly of Flaming Gryphon (youth)
  28. Kokitsu and Willow Auðinardottir (youth)

Baronial Bardic Champions

  1. Rowan Hen Enaid
  2. Connor MacLellan
  3. Sevika O'Hara Chandra
  4. Alizaunde de Bregeuf
  5. Kathryn le Wrytar
  6. Isolde de la Ramée

Baronial Gaming Champions

  1. Magnus Refsson
  2. Isaac Fynn
  3. Carlos de la Aguila
  4. Christopher of Saint Joan

Baronial Equestrian Champions

  1. Severin Rheinfelser of Norborough

Capitaines de Grif

  1. Francesco Maria Visconti da Via
  2. Valentine Warner
  3. Colin MacNish
  4. Sebastian Sabatini
  5. Damen Von Alexander
  6. Ailionor O'Malley
  7. Kaðlin Sveinsdottir (called Nene)
  8. Gertrud Krumpf
  9. Wit die Groot
  10. Thomas of Effingham
  11. Darius Lowen
  12. Kara die Korte
  13. Lars Larsson the Rockthrower
  14. Edward Foxley
  15. Jean Michelle
  16. Galin Ridleye
  17. Geneviefve de Chenonceaux
  18. Toly Woodsman
  19. Isaac Fynn
  20. Costança Daguiar
  21. Toly Woodsman
  22. Miguel Mono de Hierro
  23. Finepopla Gunnarswif

Thrown Weapons Champions

  1. Rhun of Flaming Gryphon and Evelyn (youth)
  2. Mathaeus Blades and Leo (youth)